ABOUT the Artist
"As an ARTIST I'm about Extracting EMOTION - ATMOSPHERE - ENERGY - MEMORIES - EXPERIENCES - THE SPIRIT - SMILES - TEARS - LOVE View my Work, my Passion and Experience it too!"
~ The Best way to Experience my work is to SEE IT IN PERSON when you can. There is NOTHING LIKE AN ORIGINAL piece of ART ~
Active in the Arts
Testing the Waters
Artist Statement 2021
Born in Hawaii, this San Francisco Bay Area Artist loves to Paint, Work with Glass, Pottery, Metal and experimenting with all forms of art. Most recently working with Encaustic Hot Wax (Beeswax and Damar Resin) and Tinted Resin pours (Adding Acrylic or other items to Resin) creating Art & Function works.
"I am Hawaiian, an Artist that Paints & creates Metal Jewelry, living in Sunny California. Enjoying life being a Mom, Wife, Sister, Aunty and Artist, I scoot around town on my beautiful blue Italian Scooter and take each day a step at a time. Painting when I can, I hang my work year round and enter Juried Exhibition in the SF Bay Area. I took part as a Solo Artist at the International ART EXPO New York, an amazing adventure. To experience setting up my booth from scratch, preparing & shipping my paintings, taking part in this show was priceless.
I look forward to new adventures and a continued Artful life, Partnering with local businesses when I can, and finding new ways to express my creative side. Mahalo!"
The Big Draw - Street Art
For the 3rd year in a row, 2013, 2014 and 2015 I've taken it to the streets and challenged myself with creating Asphalt Art with Pastel Chalk during
"The Big Draw" in Pleasanton. What a Blast!!

I was the First Winner of the Big Draw Asphalt Art Contest ~ Very Honored!

Me :)

I was the First Winner of the Big Draw Asphalt Art Contest ~ Very Honored!

Scroll Through the Asphalt Art The Big Draw Pleasanton
"Bouquets of Art"
Firehouse Art Center Harrington Gallery
@ The Big Draw
PCAC Pleasanton Cultural Arts Counsel, brought this new event to Pleasanton introducing different elements to keep it fresh and exciting, for the Community. A fundraising event to bring Funding to Arts in the Schools, PCAC president Jill Vellinger, jvellinger@comcast.net added Bouquets of Art featured in the Firehouse Art Center HARRINGTONG GALLERY on 4444 Railroad Ave. The Auction of Painted Chairs along with Painted Pianos, The Avenue of Art (Booths of Art and Jewelry) sold by the Artists and Live Performances added to this Festive Event in 2014. This is an Annual Event now in Pleasanton. Keep an eye out for the Next Festival of Art, in Pleasanton or your City! Take Part in Fine Art ~
Pictured Above: My Pastel Chalk Art on Division Street
Pictured Left: My Painting DISHED and a Floral Interpretation of that piece. I'm honored to have inspired this Floral Design in.